Can a website live forever? The Oasis reunion and avoiding website crashes

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A website is often the “Wonderwall” between a brand and its audience. Whether it’s an e-commerce platform, a booking site, or an informational page, a website’s performance under high traffic is crucial.


The secret to long-term growth. Pick the right technology

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Businesses rely on custom software solutions to gain a competitive edge. Whether it’s enhancing internal operations or providing unique customer experiences, custom software is a key part of your long-term growth. However, one of the most critical decisions in developing custom software is selecting the right technology stack to build the platform on.


Own your data, secure your business

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If a service is free, you’re the product, not the end user. Data is now worth more than gold, and every action you and your business make produces a potential gold mine.


Bringing home Olympic gold – where software plays its part

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As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have gotten underway, software innovations are there to revolutionise every aspect of the event. From enhancing athlete performance with cutting-edge wearables to streamlining logistical operations and transforming audience engagement, software technologies are at the heart of these advancements.


Lessons from 18 years in business: The journey of Shoothill

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Our journey at Shoothill has been one of resilience and adaptability. Over the past 18 years, we’ve evolved from pioneering property portals to becoming crucial players in environmental monitoring and business support. Along the way, we’ve learned valuable lessons that have shaped our success and reinforced key principles in software development.


Product first, quote later

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In our experience many firms instead of using their skills to get the best results for their clients, push them into a set of packages their skilled teams then execute. This means that a price can be given much earlier on in the customer journey. However, does it really meet a business’ needs?


How England’s Euros hopes were dashed by custom software.

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Come Sunday night the nation sat watching the Euros final, amid chants of “It’s coming home” and renditions of Hey Jude, hopes were high for a win. We at Shoothill didn’t expect to see a custom software solution decide the outcome of England’s hard-fought Euros campaign, and yet we did with video assistant referee (VAR) […]


Using mobile apps in business

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Regulation compliance, getting the job done first time round and enhancing customer loyalty.


3 times spreadsheets cost more than just an Office licence.

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Spreadsheets are versatile tools in businesses, set them up correctly, train your staff to maintain them and you’re well on the way to success. 63% of all businesses use them for accounting but this isn’t a foolproof method and your growth will be limited.


Creating a productive business culture

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In a recent post, we highlighted that the average worker only spends 27% of their time on work relating to their skills – that doesn’t sound great. Even worse the average worker is only productive for 2.8 hours a day. 60% of their diary is made up of busy work, chasing things they need, in […]


The three operational taxes that go unchecked in your business

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In the world of business, we face countless taxes, ranging from National Insurance contributions, business rates, and if you turn a profit corporation tax. But there are a whole host of taxes in your day-to-day business that no creative accountancy can help you navigate. In this article we’re going to discuss three taxes, the toggling […]


Failing because of old software: Windows 8 users unable to file documents with HMRC

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In 2012 we were on the iPhone 5, indulging in the London Olympics and David Cameron left his daughter in the pub. It’s a lifetime ago – but this is when Windows 8 launched.


Trusting software to achieve your business goals: Copyright and your reputation

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In the work at Shoothill, we often encounter software systems, or lack there of, crippling a business’ efficiency. But in recent weeks the headlines have been awash with tales of software that highlight off-the-shelf solution pitfalls.


The Horizon scandal: Some lessons learned from the Post Office software debacle

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AI is here to stay, and leading the way is ChatGPT. It’s many professionals’ default chatbot for generating copy, scanning reports and even producing code. This past week the minds behind the system showcased the latest version of the platform, GPT-4o which promises new features galore.


For businesses, why does the new ChatGPT matter?

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AI is here to stay, and leading the way is ChatGPT. It’s many professionals’ default chatbot for generating copy, scanning reports and even producing code. This past week the minds behind the system showcased the latest version of the platform, GPT-4o which promises new features galore.


Two-factor authentication: a method of securing your SME from cyber-attacks?

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In this article, we’re going to discuss different methods of authentication, why your business needs to use them, and how you can implement this technology in your business.


Join our webinar! Unlocking potential: Why consider custom software?

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Businesses face a crucial decision: to settle for off-the-shelf solutions or to embrace the power of custom software tailored to their specific needs. It’s a choice that can profoundly impact efficiency, innovation, and ultimately, the bottom line. At Shoothill, we’re delving deep into this topic with our upcoming webinar: “Why consider custom software?”


Senior leadership restructure at Shoothill reinforces market dominance and strategic growth plans 

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Shoothill, a leader in the technology sector, is pleased to announce a restructure of its senior management designed to further bolster the company’s market-leading position and sustain its growth trajectory.


Shoothill partners with Collaborative Conveyancing as they launch their SaaS product into the market

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Shoothill are delighted to announce our latest project with Collaborative Conveyancing, this project involved branding, design and web development. As we curated and developed the image of this fledgeling enterprise.


GaugeMap and FloodAlerts: Lessons from mapping river data applied to custom software

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GaugeMap and FloodAlerts are live to this day they exemplify how Shoothill can solve real problems, with expert design and software development.


Building a stronger modular construction business with custom software

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In the modular construction business custom software solutions can unlock unparalleled levels of growth and profitability. These tailored digital tools streamline various critical aspects, from stock management and acquisition to customer relations, accounts, and production.


System integration: Understanding its role in your business

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Integration between systems allows the functionality and data of one piece of software you’re using to enter into another.


Automating spreadsheets: Revolutionising construction and manufacturing with Shoothill

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In construction and manufacturing, staying ahead of the competition requires not just innovation, but the use of cutting-edge technology.


Wild Otter, an app developed by Shoothill is now available on the app store

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Shoothill are proud to announce that Wild Otter an app developed by Shoothill is now available on the iOS App Store and Google Play.


Revolutionizing time management in the construction industry through custom software solutions

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In construction, effective time management is crucial for project success. Delays can lead to increased costs, strained client relationships, and decreased overall profitability.


Outcome-driven software development: Prioritising customer value over velocity

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Software development teams have long been measured by output, but outcome-driven development underscores the importance of results-driven software development. Customers demand products and new features that function properly and add value to their business, more than they value a steady stream of updates with new products and features that have little relevance to their work. […]


Simon Jeavons to judge for the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce Awards

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This year Simon Jeavons will judge the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence in Manufacturing & Engineering.


Shoothill and Access COINS announce bilateral partnership­

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Shoothill and Access COINS have entered a 5-year bilateral partnership whereby Shoothill agrees to provide Access COINS with various web-based technologies and development services.


SaaS vs Custom software: The pros and cons for business software applications

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When considering new technologies for your business – there’s a lot to take into account. This is what you should consider with SaaS vs Custom Software


Navigating the Future: Digital transformation trends for the construction industry in 2024

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In the construction industry, 2024 is poised to bring about significant shifts in how companies embrace their software solutions, relying more and more on digital transformation to see continued success.


Shoothill welcomes new Digital Project Manager, Jack Hoggins

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Jack is joining Shoothill as a Digital Project Manager, in this role he will be managing the development of our solutions and supporting our customers and clients on their journey.


Gifts for the business with an investment budget

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The biggest gift to your business, an investment budget is not only a savvy move to bolster your profits but also incentivised with various tax breaks.


Gifts for the company that uses 5 agencies

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It’s not uncommon for businesses to take on multiple agencies to get the very best talents working on their business.


Shoothill pledges support to Armed Forces community by joining the Armed Forces Covenant

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Shoothill, a leading full-service custom software company, proudly announces its commitment to supporting the armed forces community by signing the Armed Forces Covenant.


Gifts for the business that runs on spreadsheets

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With Christmas approaching we thought we’d share the gift of our expertise – helping you get the most out of your business.


Measuring the ROI of digital transformation

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For organizations to justify the investments made in digital transformation initiatives, it is essential to measure the Return on Investment (ROI) – here is how our clients calculate this.


From idea to app: Navigating the custom software development process

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Custom software development offers a tailored solution to your unique business needs. But how does an idea transform into a fully functioning application?


FloodAlerts: Keeping your toes dry in Storm Babet

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When Mother Nature unleashes her fury, the ability to predict and respond to natural disasters becomes paramount.


Shoothill assist customers in marketing start-up app

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Last week, the team at Shoothill made a quick trip down to Church Stretton aiding in the marketing of our latest project Betty Bet Bet.


Shoothill are to develop Betty Bet Bet, a community focused betting app.

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Betty Bet Bet is the latest app to be developed by Shoothill, a social betting app with a community focus Betty Bet Bet aims to make a difference by enabling groups to raise funds for their cause.


Shoothill move to Shrewsbury Business Park

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Shropshire’s premier full-service custom software development agency, business consultants and innovators, Shoothill move to Shrewsbury Business Park.


Shoothill are delighted to announce our new logo

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As a company, we firmly believe in evolution not revolution. We’ve chosen to evolve our logo and brand. This better represents who our company are, and what we do.


Microsoft Copilot: Using Windows’ AI in everyday business

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Businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge. One such solution that has garnered significant attention in recent weeks is Microsoft Copilot, an AI-powered assistant integrated into Windows that promises to revolutionize the way we work and collaborate.


Legacy systems: slowing down your daily business

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In modern business, the choice between custom software and reliance on legacy systems and spreadsheets is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization’s efficiency, competitiveness, and long-term success. This article explores the merits of custom software and how you can improve your existing legacy systems as a part of your business development program.


Should my project use a website or app? The pros and cons of each explained.

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Backing up nearly every modern digital project, campaign or start-up business there will always be a robust digital system taking the form of a website or app.


A summer of work experience at Shoothill

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Before Blake left the office after his summer of work experience, he sat down to write a press release about his time with us.


Navigating tech changes in 2023: A guide for my business to be found online

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Staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses to remain competitive and relevant. As we progress through 2023, several key technological changes are shaping the market and in turn our futures. Here’s your guide to navigating tech changes this year.

Tianjin city skyline at sunset

Shoothill’s biggest tips in unleashing business potential

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In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, staying ahead of the competition requires not just adaptability, but innovation. At Shoothill our role is to bring digital innovation to our customers, unleashing business potential.


Boost business growth: The importance of enhancing software in Shropshire

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Shoothill have worked with international business. But some of our most successful and impactful projects have been with our local clients. Along the way we’ve learnt what it takes to boost business growth, and what it takes for a successful digital transformation.


An update from the design department: Threads

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Threads takes to heart the phrase, less is more. Launching in what Meta are calling an incomplete state it has cut Twitter back to its bare bones.


Shoothill celebrates up and coming talent

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Josh Welch joined Shoothill back in 2016. Over the past 7 years, Josh has gone from an apprentice in Technical Sales, to Operations Manager, Josh currently works as Shoothill’s Commercial Manager.


Shoothill shows local secondary school student the ropes in software

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This week at Shoothill we’ve shown a secondary school student what  working in the UK software industry is like.


Why is my software failing my business?

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Why is my software failing my business? In the ever-evolving world of business, the role of software cannot be underestimated. It has become an integral part of every organization, powering various nearly every business process.


The software development update – a June update from the team

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June has been a busy month for the team as a whole. With projects being tidied off and finalised there are quite a few headlines, here’s what going on with the software development team.


The state of play – a May update from the team

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Simon and Josh in Shoothill’s Operations team took a moment out of their busy day to talk about their current work, an update from the team.


Simon Jeavons has been appointed as a Fellow of the Institute of Consulting

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Shoothill’s Chief Operating Officer & Director has been accepted into the Institute of Consulting as a Fellow.


Shoothill are developing the Wild Otter mobile app

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Wild Otter aims to build a strong community of waterway users. The features of the mobile app will also make paddling and swimming more accessible than ever before.  


The state of design – a May update from the team

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With a host of staff supporting their work including operations, sales and marketing. We hope this series of articles helps you understand what Shoothill do best.


Shoothill sponsored Shrewsbury Town Football Club vs Sheffield Wednesday

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It was a tough game for Shrewsbury on their home turf, losing 3-0 but with two games left, Shrewsbury will be trying to finish as high as they can in League One.


Centralise your company’s data and processes to grow your business

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If you and your team spend far too much time moving between different applications and getting lost in Microsoft Excel, then you need to look at centralising your IT systems, data and processes.


Thinking outside the box with business intelligence

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If you’re not utilising business intelligence data, you’re missing a major aspect of your business that custom software can help you unlock. Shoothill’s speciality.


Using software to boost your business’ efficiency

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Software can help companies in many ways, from automating repetitive tasks to providing real-time data insights. By using software, businesses can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve their overall efficiency.


Why custom software integrations will transform your business

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Software integrations are complicated and confusing. While some platforms have integrations built into them most do not. An integration, is a feature in software that allows the functionality of another piece of software in it. 


ChatGPT brings AI to bespoke software with ease

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Developed by OpenAI and funded by Microsoft, ChatGPT is now in Office 365 through Microsoft’s new feature Copilot. 


Shoothill welcomes new marketing and project support executive, Doug Hamilton

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Shoothill are pleased to announce the latest member of staff, Doug Hamilton, as marketing and project support executive.
