System integration: Understanding its role in your business


18th of March 2024

Integrations between systems allow the functionality and data of one piece of software you’re using to enter into another. With a technology stack working together, the group of software tools you’re using becomes a part of your strategy and workflows, as opposed to a hindrance.  With a cohesive system, you’re company is kept on the go, and this means you can get the most out of your software and your team using the platform, However, there are some downsides to integrations. Read on and we’ll help build your understanding of these systems, the pros, the cons and what alternatives there are.

What is a system integrator?

A system integrator is either an organization or an individual who makes multiple pieces of software together. Their role involves designing, implementing, replacing, and integrating software applications to manage complex IT and OT (Operational Technology) systems. This could be as simple as exporting data from a spreadsheet application into your CRM without your team doing a manual upload, or bringing together multiple SaaS platforms.

Essentially, integrators bridge the gap between various software and hardware components, ensuring they work seamlessly together. These are often built into a software program and through the use of account keys integrations can be built quickly. For example, our new homes management system Housebuilder Pro has integrations with SendGrid, Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor to enable advanced email marketing all done through account keys.

Failing this, custom software developers can build integrations to enable the sharing of information between these platforms. This can be done in many ways. One way is by using an API (application programming interface), a programming system that is released by a software provider to enable other platforms to work with them.

Why does system integration matter?

Integrated systems allow centralized control over daily processes, enhancing overall workflow efficiency. Employees can access all necessary apps and data from a single entry point, leading to more work done in less time. As we all know, time is money and so as a result you’ll save money but also free your team’s time up for more profitable work.

With integrations data is updated across all system components simultaneously, keeping all departments aligned. Siloed data and version errors become a thing of the past, as does searching endless spreadsheets for the data you need. Integrations enable your team to work as one without a need to check you’re all on the same page.

Where does system integration fail?

System integrations are excellent tools to have – but at some points, they aren’t cost-effective. With an integration between two pieces of software you still have to pay for 2 or more SaaS (software as a service) platforms, and if it was a custom integration for this, its maintenance and any further development you need to keep it working.

A custom solution that handles the work of these platforms and the integrations, becomes an appealing proposition with potential further return on investment. Custom solutions are tailor-made and can be adjusted at your request, allowing you to retain your individualism and build new business processes. You can work how your business works best, not how a multi-national software provider wants you to work.

How can Shoothill solve the problems with system integration?

Shoothill specializes in building bespoke applications customized to your exact requirements. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, which may not fit your specific workflows, bespoke software is designed specifically for your business. Every aspect of your operations is at your fingertips in one system, making it easy to use, elegant, and efficient. But above all else it tackles your business problems.

Every company operates differently, and Shoothill’s software solutions accommodate your unique digital transformation needs. Whether it’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) or data visualization, Shoothill ensures that the software aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Furthermore, with a holistic view of information, analytics become more efficient. No more manual data downloads and late nights producing reports. Instead, valuable business insights are readily available – at the touch of a button.

Consider Shoothill’s recent project with Base Architecture. Working closely with the senior leadership team at Base, Shoothill built a bespoke solution tailored to the business’s needs. Ambitious by its very nature, every aspect of Base’s daily operations are encompassed in this platform.  The cloud-based software that Shoothill has built can manage both new leads and existing client projects, generate quotes in the system with a smart PDF output, and can turn a successful quote into a project which is broken into tasks to be distributed amongst staff members according to workload and specialism. The platform also links to Base’s email system and provides clients with bespoke updates on the progress of their projects.   

Shoothill prioritizes customer value over mere output. Our outcome-driven approach ensures that software solutions add real value to your business, rather than inundating you with irrelevant features. With Shoothill, you get results that matter. When it comes to system integration and software solutions, Shoothill’s bespoke approach ensures a perfect fit for your business needs. Whether you’re modernizing legacy systems or optimizing project management, Shoothill has you covered.

So get in touch today to resolve the issues in your system.