Tuesday, 15th August, 2023

Shoothill’s biggest tips in unleashing business potential

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, staying ahead of the competition requires not just adaptability, but innovation. At Shoothill our role is to bring digital innovation to our customers, unleashing business potential. With over 500 projects under our belt, we’ve picked up the key points to successful digital transformations.

Key to many of our client’s digital futures are their digital apps. Be that a web-based cloud system or a bespoke mobile app.

These tailored digital solutions are more than a gimmick and provide more than convenience. These act as catalysts for increased productivity, streamline processes and enhance staff collaboration.


Streamline your business processes

A custom app serves as a platform for businesses to consolidate convoluted and time-consuming processes.

This streamlining effect translates into enhanced productivity and amplified efficiency throughout your team. Employees can seamlessly access project updates, and collaborate on shared documents, eliminating the need for time-consuming email chains and office memos.

In our work, our consultants find these unnecessary elements to be one of the single largest drains on a company’s resources. With tasks automated and workflows optimized, team members can focus on value-added activities that drive forward your business’s growth.


Improve your staff’s communication

Communication is key, no matter how big your team is. But on occasion, post-it notes are missed and emails are lost. As a result, tasks are not done. Building a custom app for your business allows for the incorporation of these real-life processes into your digital system, but without failure.

Taking one of our client’s systems as an example. If an invoice needs to be raised by an individual in their accounts team, the staff member gets a notification on the platform. Once raised by them, this is seamlessly passed onto their colleagues who need it, who receive it in their work flow.

We incorporated this system into our new home software system, Housebuilder Pro, where users receive notifications such as when they need to sign off on property reservations or follow up with a warranty issue.

Communication is the backbone of any successful business, be that ecommerce, construction or accountancy. A custom platform supports this. Be it text, voice, or video, team members can communicate seamlessly, regardless of their geographical location. Accelerating decision-making, improving project timelines, and facilitating remote working.


Gain access to greater business intelligence

Business owners and decision-makers understand their business. But in the data-driven era, better-informed decisions are vital for business success. A well-designed system integrates analytics and reporting tools, offering valuable insights into team performance, project milestones, and resource allocation.

Many businesses are familiar with Google Analytics on their website. For some this links to your CRM, providing a better understanding of customer behaviour. Others have integrated marketing tools like Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp into their system. By using one unified platform, this level of understanding of your internal operations becomes available to your business.

These insights empower you to make data-backed decisions, identify bottlenecks, and optimize processes for better outcomes. Harnessing the power of data fosters a culture of continuous improvement, driving your business towards its true ambitions.

To find out how these apply to your business, get in with us touch today.