Go tech awards

Friday, 29th January 2021

Shoothill finalists for Go:Tech Awards in the ‘COVID-19 Tech Business Hero’ category

Shoothill are proud to announce that we have made it as finalists in this year’s Go:Tech Awards presented by Business Leader Magazine and HSBC bank in the ‘COVID-19 Tech Business Hero’ category for our work regarding PPE Exchange.

PPE Exchange is a website created by Shoothill with the sole aim of bringing together users and suppliers of personal protective equipment (PPE) to allow as much as possible of this urgently needed equipment to get to the front line to safeguard carers and service users.

Rod Plummer, Managing Director at Shoothill commented: “At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis there was a massive shortage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the private care sector, home care providers and NHS Trusts. We at Shoothill decided we would try to do something about it and so we voluntarily worked around the clock, and within 7 days we had designed, built, and launched PPE Exchange – a free to use online portal designed to connect billions of items of PPE with those who need it most.

Right from the start, the site was a huge success, and within a week of launching we had the support of the CBI, the GMB Union and the site appeared on the main BBC 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock news.

Since then, the site has gone from strength to strength and today I am delighted to say we have over 2,300 registered suppliers and over 2,000 registered buyers on the site. Although this is a completely free site and even though we are not selling PPE ourselves, we will continue to host and support the site for free as long as it is needed”.

In late 2020, Shoothill were nationally recognised as a ‘UK Business Hero’. You can read more about this here.

We are honoured to be among such fantastic companies as finalists and we patiently await the result which is to be announced in April or May this year. Thank you and good luck!

You can view the full list of finalists in their categories for this year’s Go:Tech Awards here.

Shoothill: https://shoothill.com/
Business enquiries: [email protected]
Business Leader Magazine: https://www.businessleader.co.uk/

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