Sustainability policy


At Shoothill, we recognise our responsibility to protect the environment and are committed to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our business. As a technology and consultancy provider, we understand the significant impact we can have in reducing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainability within our industry and beyond.

Our Commitments

Energy Efficiency: We are dedicated to minimising energy consumption across our operations. This includes optimizing our data centers, promoting hybridwork to reduce commuting emissions, and investing in energy-efficient technologies and practices.

Sustainable Resources: We prioritise the use of sustainable and ethically sourced materials in our operations. Our procurement processes ensure that our suppliers align with our environmental values, particularly concerning the use of non-renewable resources.

Waste Reduction: Shoothill is committed to reducing waste through careful management of resources. We actively encourage recycling within our offices, minimise the use of single-use plastics, and responsibly dispose of electronic waste.

Carbon Footprint: We aim to measure, monitor, and reduce our carbon footprint annually. Where possible, we offset our emissions by investing in certified carbon offset programs and support initiatives that contribute to global sustainability.

Sustainable Development: Our services and solutions are designed with sustainability in mind. We help our clients incorporate sustainable practices into their own operations, from designing energy-efficient software to advising on digital transformation strategies that reduce environmental impact.

Employee Engagement: We engage our employees in our sustainability goals by fostering a culture of environmental awareness. We provide training and resources to help our team understand their role in supporting our environmental objectives.

Community and Collaboration: We are committed to collaborating with our partners, clients, and communities to drive broader sustainability efforts. We support environmental initiatives and participate in industry forums to advocate for responsible business practices.

Continuous Improvement: Shoothill is committed to continuously improving our environmental performance. We regularly review our sustainability goals, measure progress, and adjust our strategies to ensure we remain at the forefront of environmental stewardship.


Shoothill is dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment through sustainable practices and responsible business operations.

We believe that by working together, we can contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future for all.

Approval and Publication

Signed by:

Simon Jeavons
Group Managing Direcotr
Shoothill Ltd
11th September 2024