Shoothill developed this stunning layer for web mapping tools, designed to highlight areas of concern for emergency planners.
Experimenting with new ways of presenting data on both Bing and Google maps lead to this project. The datasets shown are the ships in shipping lanes around Straits of Malacca, located between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
London Midland (2014)
This Shoothill app was designed to map live and historical incidents happening on trains and in railway stations. Commissioned by London Midland Trains, and used internally by them, this software system provided the tools for deeper analysis, in order to improve safety and security across their network.
BBC Flood Alerts (2014)
Shoothill created and hosted a version of FloodAlerts for the BBC, during the severe winter flooding of 2013-14.
What was unique (and still is) is that we took the time and effort to also include Scottish flood data, provided by The Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
Ayton Senna (2014)
Online Digital and Print Portrait Tribute Mosaic (Private Commission)
Cabinet Office Flood Hack (2014)
In 2014 the Cabinet Office called a ‘Flood Hack’ to address the severe flooding, involving international software companies.
Shoothill worked all weekend to release our APIs for this event and enable those attending to use the EA data in their apps and projects.
Read the Press Release here or watch a video
River Level Gauges on Twitter (2014)
Shoothill worked with Twitter to hook up more than 3000 river gauges to their own individual Twitter accounts. The gauges themselves have gained a collective 150,000 followers on Twitter and published over 10 million automated tweets.
The concept of Tweeting river gauges was then expanded to include live flood alerts from each gauge whenever an alert was issued for its location.
Read more here on the UK Government website
GaugeMap (2014)
GaugeMap was the first live river level and tidal map for England and Wales and Scotland ever developed.
GaugeMap not only gives end users a holistic view of the live river level situation across the entire country, it also allows them to drill down to the individual gauges in incredible detail, embed them into other web pages, and even follow them individually on Twitter.
Read the Case Study here
Eurovision Song Contest Social Media Tracker (2013)
This unique voting tool for the Eurovision song contest linked users across competing European countries through social media.
Running simultaneously across the continent, and displayed in different languages across European MSN sites, the web tool allowed people to vote on their favourite act, share their votes with others using social media channels, see the Top 5 acts (by votes) and view which acts were most popular in different countries. In addition to the timeline - showing past winners of the contest - the global Twittersphere was being monitored and the sentiment of Tweets about each act displayed in graphical format across all the sites.
Environment Agency Flood Alerts (2013)
The EA asked us host and licence FloodAlerts, for their own use and to display on their website.
Apart from updating the software’s ‘look and feel’ to appear that it belonged on the EA site, we also updated the map to include local authority and constituency boundaries.
As well as this, we took steps to ensure that no matter how many hits the map got, the system would prove too robust to fall over under any circumstances. It was good that we did, because FloodAlerts was put under the spotlight during the 2013 and 2014 winter floods, with Prime Minister David Cameron tweeting the map on 5th December 2013.
Environment Agency - My Flood Plan (2013)
My Flood Plan was an app giving the user a swift means to assess their flood plan options.
One in six properties in England is at risk of flooding which lead to the idea behind this app. Within 10 minutes a user could complete the interactive flood plan which would, during a flood, save valuable time and reduce property damage.
Sainsburys Recipe Planner (2013)
A web application showcasing various roast recipes, inspired by Sainsbury’s products, for users to browse and choose from. We developed the Sainsbury’s Roast Planner in collaboration with MSN. Once selected, each recipe would generate an ingredients shopping list, offer preparation instructions, as well as detailed time planning for cooking the meal.
Ordnance Survey 2013
The Ordinance Survey wanted to create something original for the opening of its new headquarters building in Southampton. They turned to Shoothill to create a digital Mosaic for them to display in the foyer of the new building, made from every OS employee at the time.
HSBC - British Lions Digital Shirt (2013)
Shoothill assisted rugby union tour sponsor, HSBC, by composing a digital image from photos of match attendants.
British and Irish Lions tour to Australia was a rugby union tour sponsored by HSBC. The British Lions fans normally take a giant Lions shirt with them to display in the stadiums during matches. This year, with Shoothill’s help, HSBC wanted to create one digitally made from pictures of fans attending the matches.
Ford Innovation Tracker (2013)
A tracking tool which searched for tweets containing key words and assessed responses, recording the sentiments behind them.
In Ford’s case the key word was “Innovation”, and the software could interpret the responses to provide a contextual analysis.
We did this through an algorithm which looks for key words used in a tweet and then assesses the sentiment in the “sentiment gauge”.
UNIDO Work Visualiser
We created a ‘Video Map’ for a UN agency who wanted to highlight their work around the world.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized UN agency that assists countries in economic and industrial development.
UNIDO wanted to highlight their work around the world in an innovative way. They commissioned Shoothill to devise a software powered solution, and so we created a ‘Video Map’.
Here, when a country was clicked on the map, the end user would see a video of UNIDO’s work in that country. Furthermore, the video was actually played within the international boundary of that country, as in this example from Somalia.
Geo Results (2013)
Shoothill designed and developed an online portal for Fibre Planning and Fibre Route Cost Calculation for Geo Results.
The system allows any user to map any location in the U.S. using a variety of techniques. Once location and position are correctly established on the map, it takes a simple mouse click to find the nearest fibre splice point in an instant.
Microsoft Prime Numbers
Using our trademarked Deep Zoom MegaFiche technology, Shoothill visualised a prime number of over 17 million decimal digits.
In 2013 it was the largest prime number ever discovered. It’s equivalent to having 1,584,106 contacts in your phone's address book. That’s a lot of digits, but with our amazing deep zoom graphic you can see them all.
The Deep Zoom, created using Shoothill’s Megafiche® technology, highlights the sheer scale of this prime number, which if it were to be printed out to scale, would cover 6 acres of paper.
Read the Press Release
Shoothill partners with Sutton Images (2013)
Sutton Images and Shoothill, world leaders in Deep Zoom mosaics, announce a collection depicting Formula One World Champions.
The seven unique individual mosaics used MegaFiche technology. Featured were James Hunt, Sebastian Vettel, Michael Schumacher, Fernando Alonso, Kimi Raikkonen, Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton. Each unique limited-edition mosaic features tens of thousands of smaller images sourced from the extensive archives of Sutton Images.
Learn more
United Nations Mosaic (2012)
This gigantic mosaic banner was composed from pictures showing the incredible work the UNHCR does around the world.
The banner, containing 1000’s of unique images, was displayed in the main foyer of the UN Building in New York City, causing quite a sensation at the time.
Sainsbury’s Tu Promotion
An online app serving as a tool to create and outfit mood board from various categorised Sainsbury’s clothes.
Products ranging from tops, skirts, dresses, swimsuits, shoes and accessories, which a user could filter through, then select, drag, and drop the item onto their mood board to create their outfit. Each item selected linked to a store locator so users can see where to go to purchase them at their nearest Sainsburys Store.
Miss Universe Pivot Table (2013)
Produced for MSN South America, this pivot table showcased the entrants and winners of the Miss Universe contest. Once a contestant was selected the pivot would also refence Bing Search to bring up more information about them for the end user.
Football Pools Deep Zoom Content Map (2013)
Content visualised on a clickable zoomable map, where a user could take a deeper dive into individual stories. The accumulations of total amount invested was also displayed through an embedded timeline, which users of the map could cycle to see how investment in UK sport has developed over the last 10 years. As a user slides the timeline, new content is displayed on the map which they can either interrogate via a pop-up or read in a panel / view a video.
Smurfs Map of the World (2013)
Celebrating The Smurfs 2 movie premier, Yahoo! and Sony Pictures hired Shoothill to create this interactive themed app. The Smurfs Map of the World allowed end users win tickets to the London premiere by simply uploading a picture. The interactive Smurf map looked like a cartoon version of the world, but in reality location geo coding still worked correctly.
Sciemus Pinpoint (2012)
In 2012, Shoothill was chosen by Sciemus to create a comprehensive risk management application tool for insurance companies.
Sciemus are a Lloyd’s managing general agent – MGA, and selected us to develop their ‘Pinpoint’ mapping system. This software combined geospatial mapping and geocoding with a peril based rating system to reveal possible exposure to claims during weather related incidents like flooding.
Food Standard Agency Win 8 App (2012)
Working for the Food Standards Agency, we created a system mapping 1000’s of establishments based on hygiene ratings.
The Agency is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government, and are responsible for protecting public health in relation to food.
The Agency had seen what we did for the Environment Agency on Windows 8 and asked us to create a similar system for them.
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