PPE Exchange Beta

Online platform created to source and exchange PPE

A UK software company has launched a free platform to supply, sell and exchange Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Shoothill have launched PPEExchange.co.uk, a free to use service to connect independent, voluntary and public sector buyers, with suppliers of PPE during COVID-19

Managing director of Shoothill, Rod Plummer comments:

“Across the country, supplies of PPE are proving scarce, in short supply and at times nonexistent. We have heard of care homes, where our many vulnerable friends and family are housed, and home care agencies providing the service in the community, having to resort to improvised masks and aprons fashioned from bin bags.

“Mobilising PPE to get to the frontlines is essential to ensure the safest possible working conditions and critically slow the wave of infection and save lives. Time is of the essence now and for the foreseeable future, with shortages and bottlenecks putting more and more people at risk, every effort is needed to tackle shortages.”

Shoothill previous customers include Peto for whom they developed an intelligent procurement system for NHS products.

From an initial idea from Peto, leveraging this previous experience in understanding NHS supply chains, Shoothill’s portfolio of software and web development skills, supported by PETO’s expertise, knowledge of social care and connections, Shoothill designed and developed the platform in less than 6 days over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

PPE Exchange is run entirely pro bono for all users, to encourage as many people as possible to get involved.

Simon Jeavons, Chief Operating Officer at Shoothill commented:

“The greater the userbase, the more positive an impact this system can have, given the connections created between users coupled with the power of the data gathered.

“The site has been running for just 24 hours and we have seen enormous interest, as of 11am on Thursday 16th April, there were buyer request for 700,000 items”

The site puts frontline carers and service organisations in touch with suppliers who can readily provide PPE. It also collects frontline data through user analytics to assess which products are in the highest demand, and the greatest shortage. This information can then be used in the organisation of a national coordinated response, prioritising the country’s most urgent needs.

Shoothill have over 15 years of experience developing software on tight deadlines, having previously worked on high profile and time sensitive mission-critical systems and marketing campaigns. The firm’s past applications on flooding and government spending boomed online shortly after launch, delivering key information to a large public audience during challenging times.



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