Cyber security

Proactive threat detection

Our cybersecurity professionals help safeguard personal, financial, and business information from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats and ensure the continuity and reliability of digital operations.

We use a range of practices and technologies designed to safeguard information, hardware and maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of digital assets.

Cyber essentials

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme designed to help organizations protect themselves against common cyber threats. It provides a basic level of security, covering five key areas: secure configuration, boundary firewalls, access controls, malware protection, and patch management. Achieving Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates your commitment to cybersecurity and helps safeguard your business from prevalent cyber risks.

Advanced security options

Our advanced endpoint solution integrates Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) to provide comprehensive protection for your devices. This combination ensures real-time threat detection, swift incident response, and proactive management of potential security breaches, keeping your endpoints secure and your business operations uninterrupted.

Security audit

Our expertise ensures that security measures are up-to-date, compliant with regulations, and capable of defending against evolving threats, ultimately strengthening the organisation’s overall security posture and protecting critical assets. 


Speak with Shoothill today to begin your audit.


We offer a range of cybersecurity training packages that are both in-person and on-demand. 


These cover everything your team need to know to avoid the likes of phishing attacks, downloading malware and the best practices your team need to follow.


With Shoothill cybersecurity training your business will be able to flourish without the worry of preventable cyberattacks.

How we work

We like to keep things simple with a straight-talking approach. It’s our job to know how to achieve what you need through technology.

In order to do this, we work with you in the following three stages:

Listen, question & understand

It all starts with you. From the beginning we make sure we understand your ambitions and challenges.

Consider, create & innovate

Now we get to work. We apply our expertise to develop digital solutions that drive long-term success for your business.

Build, refine, deliver

With a clear plan in place, we begin executing. We focus on realising the vision we set out to achieve, always aiming to overdeliver.

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